Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Oh No.... Sprinkle Some Fries On Those CUPCAKES!

Well, thanks to lots of alcohol, and the explosion of booze, food, and sweets that was birthday weekend 2007 - I have missed a few practices and I gained a bit of weight. Make that 12 lbs. Plus, I hit the treadmill and the weight room HARD last Sunday, and now I am sore as hell today. All this, and my fencing has suffered dramatically and I have my first tournament of the season in three days.

This is SNAFU barrelling towards FUBAR.

I stopped drinking for the week after the Falcons game last Sunday, and redoubled my efforts in practice - but I am worried about my endurance and my extension. My brain is making the right decisions - but my hand position and execution is screwing up the timing. Worse, I have a lecture on Thursday at Emory, so no practice before my first event first thing Saturday morning.

You might wanna wear a mask...

Right now, the plan is to work out today and get to bed relatively early, eat light tomorrow and work out before the lecture, and stay in Friday at all costs - even if it means inviting any paramours to my place. That, plus extension exercises at home will hopefully reverse the losses I have put on myself over the last few weeks.

Good lord wish me luck!

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